PA Free Dental Clinics
Johnsonburg Free Dental Clinics

Johnsonburg Dental Center

81 Clarion Rd., Johnsonburg, PA - 15845
(814) 965-5444 Official Website

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About This Clinic

This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free.

Dental Services:

Diagnostic- examinations, oral cancer screening and digital radiographs

Preventive-prophylaxis (cleaning), fluoride, oral hygiene instruction, sealants, space maintainers

Restorative-fillings, crowns (caps), bridges

Endodontics-root canals

Periodontics- Treatment of periodontal disease (gum disease)

Prosthodontics- Complete upper and lower dentures, relines, repair, partial dentures

Implant services- tooth replacement and denture support, mini-implants



Monday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Tuesday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm.

Friday, 8:00  am - 5:00 pm.


Services Area


2023 US Federal Poverty Guidelines

for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia

Persons in family / household Poverty guideline
1 $14,580
2 $19,720
3 $24,860
4 $30,000
5 $35,140
6 $40,280
7 $45,420
8 $50,560

For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.